A year ago Jack Terricloth of the World Inferno Friendship Society (Cabaret Punk Band out of Brooklyn NY) left us way too soon. The scene he created was something special. It’s where I found my wife, made amazing friends and experienced so much adventure and fun. I will always cherish that time of my life.
Now to this piece. It has a bit of a story. Years back (which is amazing because I am only 36), when The World Inferno was developing their album, “Red Eye Soul”, I like many artists in the scene submitted art work proposals that may be used as the CD cover. It was one of the first straight up digital paintings I ever did. In hindsight, it really was not strong. That said, I submitted it, received a polite thank you from the Jack and that was the and of it. The gorgeous album cover that would be used was designed by amazing artists Rain Polsky and Brian “Brainy” Carter.
After learning of Jack Terricloths passing, I reached out to those who I knew who were closest to him. When I contacted Brainy, he shared with me the sweetest account describing in great detail of how much he (Jack) loved what I submitted. Quite frankly, he was very gitty about it. I was taken back and confused because like I said, I didn’t feel that it was strong. Brainy went on to say “Jack believed that good art had to be sincere.” He would go on to tell me that Jack spent hours going on about different design directions that he wanted to go in but would always come back to my piece saying, it’s just really sincere”.
After hearing that story from Brainy, I went about re-working that image which would be part of several tribute pieces I did that week. It’s been almost a year and even now, I still am processing Jacks passing. That said, I am happy that I did something that generated such emotion. Happy that I was able repay him at some level in what he gave to me and so many other people. I say that sincerely.